Error embedded form

Hello, I’m new to camunda. I would try to use Embedded form with this BPMN test and this HTML test but I have the error

Form failure “the context path is either empty or not defined”
I Have deployed the BPMN and the form with POSTMAN
inserimento_assegnazione_v2.bpmn (5.5 KB)
approva-richiesta.html.txt (1.9 KB)

The last file is the HTML FORM
Could you help me thanks in advance

Hi Oronzo,
First things first, you need to change the Form Key in your Human Task from embedded:app:forms/approva-richiesta.html to embedded:deployment:approva-richiesta.html since you are deploying the html file along with your bpmn file without packaging it in a project. There seems to be something amiss in the html as well which is preventing it from rendering. If I put in something simple it works. I’ll have a closer look at the html but in the meantime, update your Form Key.


OK, so I removed the html stanza regarding the file upload and it rendered
Now to fix the variables


Variable bindings are fixed:

And here are the updated files:
inserimento_assegnazione_v2.bpmn (5.5 KB) approva-richiesta.html.txt (1.7 KB)


Hello, thanks for reply. I have some problem with deploy with Postman

I cannot deploy the bpmn and html togheter.

Right, so for the bpmn file put in a key of source, not upload:

And you’ll see this response:


Great ! Step by step , I’m walking trough Camunda

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