ENGINE-02028 Could not resolve expression from type 'completionCondition'

I am try to use completionCondition in Multi-Instance, but I receive this Error Message

ENGINE-02028 Could not resolve expression from type 'completionCondition'. Expression '${((nrOfInstances == nrOfCompletedInstances) || ((TotalGoodsAmt + TotalServicesAmt) >= 500000)) } ' needs to evaluate to a boolean value.

How can I check & resolve this error

Hi @pingkungw,

Please create a unit test that reproduces the problem and share it on github. You can use the template at https://github.com/camunda/camunda-engine-unittest to get started. That way we can quickly reproduce the problem without much guessing.


Hi thorben
Now I can problem my problem, Root Cause from brackets

  • OLD - Cause ENGINE-02028 Could not resolve expression
    ${((nrOfInstances == nrOfCompletedInstances) || (( TotalGoodsAmt + TotalServicesAmt ) >= 500000) ) }

  • NEW - Fixed Error
    ${(nrOfInstances == nrOfCompletedInstances) || (TotalGoodsAmt + TotalServicesAmt > 500000)}

Solve by remove brackets that I make bold font style