Elements supported by Camunda Fluent API

I am currently writing code to generate process definition dynamically. However, I am not sure whether to use Fluent API or not. The reason that I do not want to choose code model api is that it does not provide DI. From the user guide, fluent api supports the following elements:

  • process
  • start event
  • exclusive gateway
  • parallel gateway
  • script task
  • service task
  • user task
  • signal event definition
  • end event
  • subprocess

I tried creating other elements, like a timer event and message event. Looks like they can also be created by fluent api. Can someone tell me all supported elements of fluent api?

You can check the fluent api builder code from the dependency camunda-bpmn-model-7.11.0.jar and the class org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.Bpmn.java and the static class ProcessBuilder