Duplicate resource files when upgrading to version 7.13.0

Hello guys.

I am using the Camunda Engine embedded in a SpringBoot project. When upgrading to version 7.13.0, an error occurred while running the Maven duplicate-finder-maven-plugin.

Found duplicate classes/resources in runtime classpath.
Found duplicate and different resources in [org.camunda.bpm.model:camunda-bpmn-model:7.13.0, org.camunda.bpm.model:camunda-dmn-model:7.13.0]:

The workaround was to add the following configuration to my pom.xml:


Can you explain the procedure you went through when upgrading and what docs you might have followed?


I followed the guide published at https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/update/minor/712-to-713/#spring-boot-starter-update.

I just updated the dependency version in pom.xml.


My project runs the Maven plugin ‘duplicate-finder-maven-plugin’ via Jenkins. When I updated the dependency the project build failed with the reported error.