Dmn Input/Output Turkish Language Problem


I am trying to put a Turkish word in dmn output Rule Description row.
When I start dmn it gives me this exception.
Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.juel.TreeBuilderException: Error parsing '${üüüüücııııöööÖÖÖĞĞĞ}': syntax error at position 10, encountered 'üüüüücııııöööÖÖÖĞĞĞ', expected '}'

How can I use Turkish Words in DMN input and outputs?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> provisionAllCount >= 0 false üüüüücııııöööÖÖÖĞĞĞ

Can you upload your model?

Thank you @Niall
diagram.dmn (1.7 KB)

Exception: Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.juel.TreeBuilderException: Error parsing ‘${üüüüücııııöööÖÖÖĞĞĞ}’: syntax error at position 10, encountered ‘üüüüücııııöööÖÖÖĞĞĞ’, expected ‘}’

I tried another Dmn Example and exception again.

diagram_2.dmn (3.3 KB)

Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.juel.TreeBuilderException: Error parsing ‘${SIKINTI BUYUK}’: syntax error at position 10, encountered ‘BUYUK’, expected ‘}’

If you surround the output with quotes it should work.
i made the following change which worked when tested.
turk.dmn (1.7 KB)

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Thank you so much @Niall