Disable modules

Hi all,

I followed the documentation to use Camunda with Spring boot.

But, i want to disable some modules, and enable them only when i will need them.

I’m using the standard “CamundaBpmAutoConfiguration” class file.

The default plugins are :

  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘GenericPropertiesConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘camundaEngine’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultProcessEngineConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘camundaEngine’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultDatasourceConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultJpaConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultJobConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultHistoryConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultMetricsConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultAuthorizationConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’
  • ENGINE-12003 Plugin ‘DefaultDeploymentConfiguration’ activated on process engine ‘default’

How can i disable few of them ? Have i to override each one with spring declaration ?

Thanks by advance.

You cannot really “deactivate” them. But if you check the code, you will see that those plugin-beans are configured with ConditionalOnMissingBean. That means that once you provide your own bean for the interface, your logic will be executed. In the simpliest case, you just register an empty interface-impl. Have a look at how I did this for the AutoDelopymentPlugin in the SpringBootProcessApplication.

Ok, i try to do that, but maybe an option to enable/disable plugins directly from the a main configuration object will be a great feature.