Difference between Service Task and External Service


Here i have a question about the Service Task :

using java I implemented 2 workflow , the first one uses 3 external task in each worker i just make Thread.sleep(5000) and print messages.

For the second workflow i did the same thing but using service task (in each one i make Thread.sleep(5000) and print messages)

When i started the two Workflow using Rest API, i could monitor the workflow that using external task and i can see what is running and in which step i’m. Howver, this is not possible with Service Task.

How could i see the progress of workflow using only services tasks ?


Hi @slb,

by default, service tasks implemented with delegates are executed synchronous. You can follow the progress, if you mark every delegate service task with “Asynchronous Before” in the modeler.

Have a look into the docs for more background information: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.12/user-guide/process-engine/transactions-in-processes/.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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