[Deployment] How to verify form has been uploaded


I use deployment/create endpoint of REST API in order to upload a model containing a user task along with an embedded form.

Somehow, the form cannot be found in the user task, though:

This is the user task:

    <bpmn:userTask id="Activity_1kznptr" name="Do something manually" camunda:formKey="embedded:deployment:embeddedSampleForm.html">
          <camunda:formField id="test" type="string" />
          <camunda:formField id="my_file" label="Datei" type="string">
              <camunda:constraint name="readonly" />

I use a generated openapi client posting the deployment. According to the debugger, form and model are both uploaded.

Is my flow key wrong embedded:deployment:embeddedSampleForm.html?
Do I probably use the wrong endpoint for uploading a form?

I use Camunda BPMN Platform as-is in a container. Can I check, if the form ended up somewhere in the container?

Using camunda 7.14


So do you deploy the process model and the embedded form together?
Can you verifiy that the deployment contains both files (you can check this in the deployment section of cockpit)

Thanks Niall! I was afraid this is one of those “show me how to google it for me” questions. I did not know the deployment section :sweat_smile:

Apparently, deployment section shows that the form did not arrive at the platform. Now, I can focus on my rest client and see what is wrong there. :+1: But that’s a different topic.

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Glad you’ve found the route of the problem :slight_smile:
Good luck!