Deployment error while using a http connector

under application.yml

spring.datasource.url: jdbc:h2:file:./camunda-h2-database

id: demo
password: demo

under src/main/java/com.example.workflow/Application

package com.example.workflow;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {;


okay. i will check thats. if you would like to join @Niall Q&A session, join here it will be useful for you.

Okay…thank you so much

@Kishore, from your main class this annotation is missing @EnableProcessApplication.

package com.example.workflow;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class Application {
   public static void main(String[] args) {;

Hi @aravindhrs, on adding @EnableProcessApplication

So what change does it make to our process

Yes .I am attending the session

Adding @EnableProcessApplication annotation to your Spring Boot application class enables as process application and auto deployment features and you can use some deployment callback methods like:

public void onPostDeploy(PostDeployEvent event) {

public void onPreUndeploy(PreUndeployEvent event) {

So on adding @EnableProcessApplication to the class.
I understood the features of this one.
Will my error be solved ??

Refer this section to register the plugin:

Tag name Parent tag name Required? Description
<plugins> <process-engine> false Container element for providing a set of process engine plugin configurations.
<plugin> <plugins> false Container element for providing an individual process engine plugin configuration.
<class> <plugin> false Sets the classname of a process engine plugin.

Need to configure it in yaml file.

Okay will refer it. If i have any doubt. Will let you know.

Thank you so much

HI @Kishore,

following this thread I doubt that there are misleading informations in mixing up several environments.

Spring boot does a lot of (black) magic under hood to the simplify the configuration.

If you add the three maven dependencies camunda-connect-core, camunda-connect-http-client and camunda-engine-plugin-connect to your pom file, the engine will automatically pick up the plugin and you can deploy the process you uploaded. The versions will be managed by the BOM.

No additional configuration in the application.yml is needed.

To doublecheck, I’ve used this project template: GitHub - camunda-consulting/twitter-qa: Template for the Camunda Training for Java Developers.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier

Thanks a lot. I have got a clear cut idea on configuring the connectors. Another one final clarification. In our previous chat , you have mentioned the below:

if you add the dependency management from the docs ( ) to your pom, maven will manage all versions regarding Camunda for you.

So i should add the dependency management to my pom file right?
After which the maven will take care of the versions…

I hope, I am right.