Deployment error while using a http connector


I am facing the below issue while deploying my bpmn.

ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:

  • One of the attributes ‘class’, ‘delegateExpression’, ‘type’, or ‘expression’ is mandatory on serviceTask. | kishore_sample.bpmn | line 7 | column 47 [ deploy-error ]

I have attached my bpmn file. I am using a http connector to connect to my External API.kishore_sample.bpmn (3.7 KB)

I am calling a Rest API that is being run in my local machine.
The output from my Rest API will be a string “Hello World”.

Web Service Call — URL

Name: url
Type: Text
Value: https://localhost:5000

Web Service Call — Method

Name: method
Type: Text
Value: POST

Web Service Call — Headers

Name: headers
Type: Map

Key: accept
Value: application/json

Key: content-type
Value: application/json

Web Service Call — Output Parameters

Name: WsResponse
Type: Script
Script Format: JavaScript
ScriptType: Inline Script

Hi @Kishore,

you have to enable the Connectors in your process engine:

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

I am using Spring boot version of Camunda.
So i understood that i have to configure the http-connector dependecies.
Can you suggest the steps to configure it? as I am new to Camunda platform.

Hi @Kishore,

adding the maven depencies for camunda-connect-core, camunda-connect-http-client and camunda-engine-plugin-connect should be sufficient. (

I’ve tested it in my setup and in the console I could see

ENGINE-12003 Plugin ' ... ,  ConnectProcessEnginePlugin]' activated on process engine 'default'

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

I am getting the below error while adding the dependcies to pom.xml

  • Failure to find org.camunda.connect:camunda-connect-connectors-all:pom:3.3.7 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced

Hi @Kishore,

please doublecheck the version number on Maven central. My local repository contains version 1.2.2.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier ,

I have attached a sample bpmn file. I took this example from the camunda forum. When i try to deploy it. I am getting the below error.I did not make any change to it.

kishore_test.bpmn (7.1 KB)

ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:

  • One of the attributes ‘class’, ‘delegateExpression’, ‘type’, or ‘expression’ is mandatory on serviceTask. | kishore_test.bpmn | line 7 | column 75 [ deploy-error ]

@Kishore since you are using camunda springboot starters you need to register the connector plugin to the process engine plugins.

Refer this post to configure the Process Engine Plugin as Java config:

If you are using xml config then register the connector plugin as like:

<process-engine name="default">
Configure the Process Engine Plugin

Connectors |

Hi @aravindhrs

So I have to add the below plugin to the pom.xml file right ??

... org.camunda.connect.plugin.impl.ConnectProcessEnginePlugin

Is this enough or should I have to add any connector dependcies to the pom.xml file ??

Hi @aravindhrs,

The plugins which you have mentioned…Is that alone enough ??

How do you bootstrapping the processengine?

processengine bootstrapping should be either in JavaConfig or BpmPlatform.xml.

In pom.xml we will specify only the required dependencies.

Hi @aravindhrs,

Using the Rest API via POSTMAN client , I am starting the process instance

Check this one

Hi @aravindhrs,

Can you show any samples of how to add a connector in moduler and how to use it.Any samples of yours , a basic one will help me a lot. As I am new to Camunda…I am bit confused on this.

@Kishore it could be better if you upload your work in github and share the link, would be easier to debug the issue.

Hi @aravindhrs,

Can you tell me how to bootstrap the process.
I have not seen anything like javaconfig or Bpmplatform.xml

are you using processes.xml file in src/resources/META-INF folder?

Under my resources folder , I only have those folder , which I have shared in the image

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Hi @aravindhrs,

Actually I am first trying to execute the bpmn file which was shared in the forum to understand the process of connectors and how to use them to connect to an External Rest API.
I attached the configured sample bpmn file in my above chat

Can you provide the contents of application.yml and your java class which has main method.