Deploying bpmn on cocktail, Deploy button missing

I am following the tutorial on 1 - Camunda Basics Get Started on Vimeo @ around 14min 30 second into the video it shows how to deploy bpmn into camunda cockpit, in the demo video a bmpn diagram is created with the camunda modeler which I also did, but I when I go to camunda cockpit -->more , the deploy button does not appear. I have camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.9.0, jdk1.8.0_171 and jre1.8.0_171, camunda-modeler-1.15.1-win32-x64 .

Below is the picture from the video that shows the Deployment button

Picture from video image

But when I click on Url below the deploy is missing

The enterprise version is used in the video and this feature is only available on that version. But don’t worry you can deploy from the modeler itself and have the same affect

Thank you that helped.

I ran into a different problem I am following this video 2 - Camunda Tutorial for Java Developers on Vimeo setting maven archtype in eclipse but I get the error remote catalog is empty
after putting the repository url JFrog at catalog file

I searched but all I can get is that do not use a proxy and I am not using a proxy my settings on my internet option for windows are automatic but still I checked on command line and it says no proxy it is direct, on eclipse I tried changing proxy setting from native to direct but still it does not help. Is there another way around to fix this empty remote archtype catalog or is there another url or some manual workaround this problem like manually copying the archtype or something since I can open the url in my browser , I am using eclipse-java-kepler-SR1-win32-x86_64 and I am running window 7

I can open the Url on my browser repository url in my web browser as shown below but gives error remote catalog is empty when creating maven archetype in eclipse

As a workaround you could use one of our Consulting Starter Projects:

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