Customising the tasklist app in WildFly docker image

Hi there,

I am trying to make some small branding changes to the Tasklist running the Wildfly 7.13.0 docker image of Camunda.

I mount the volumes ok but it seems that the application itself is unpacked into a temporary directory which is recreated with a different name on each restart. Is there a recommended way of customising the Tasklist application in Wildfly that I’m missing?

Currently I’m mounting this directory:

- tif-prod-camunda-webapps-vol:/camunda/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Further to this, I decided to try and use Tomcat instead.

It is easier to now to rebrand the applications as they are stored like so:
/camunda/webapps/camunda/app/tasklist which is great.

So where do I now add my WAR file to Tomcat to unpack my bpmn diagram and user task forms?

The online docs say this:

Deploy to Apache Tomcat

In order to deploy the process application, copy-paste the loan-approval-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.war from your Maven project to the $CAMUNDA_HOME/server/apache-tomcat/webapps folder.

However that location does not exist in the tomcat docker image:

bash-5.0$ cd /camunda/server/apache-tomcat/webapps
bash: cd: /camunda/server/apache-tomcat/webapps: No such file or directory
