Custom serialization of process variables

Can you please help me if it is possible to have custom serialization of process-variables? E.g. I’d like to have some process-variable fields automatically injected from an external (order)table - like:

  1. we have an external master-order-table that come from higher level - orders (JSON) are identified with order-id
  2. I’d like to use the master-order-table injected in camunda (e.g. camunda receives the master-order-id) - but I’d like to modify and re-re-serialize them back to the master-order-table automatically after a node executed that dealt with such data

Can such achieved? What I’ll lose with this?

Maybe this can be achieved, you’ll have to try it out yourself. As a starting point, you can have a look at this project: I implemented a variable type that stores IDs to other process instances, but where the API resolves this to the respective ProcessInstance object, which sounds similar to what you want to achieve.

Hi, thank you for the quick answer - still not yet had time (and skill) to verify, but going to check.