Creating Optimize dashboard, reports, collection via Infra-as-code

Is there a way in Optimize to create dashboards, reports, collections & other artifacts via API or terraform or some infra-as-code functionality.

Hi @Tapan

thanks for reaching out to us!

Currently there is no official API or functionality in Optimiz for this.
We already have a couple of requests for such functionality.
In order to better understand your situation:

  • What is your use-case when this functionality would be useful for you?
  • Which problem would it solve?


Hi @felix-mueller,

We would like to create a CI/CD pipeline for Camunda and have Optimize’s artifacts propagate up the environments dev->qa->uat->prod.


Hey @felix-mueller,

Are there best practices on propagating Optimize’s artifacts(dashboards, reports) across environments i.e. dev->qa->uat->prod or do we manually create them in each environment.


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