Creating a plugin when hosting via Spring Boot

When running in a Spring Boot application as follows:



Is it possible to create a TaskList plugin following the information posted here?

Currently: no.

It’s like the webapp on central: if you want custom plugins, you have to build it yourself.

We have an open issue that hopefully will make it to the 2.0 release that will simplify enhancing the webapp/webjar with plugins …

You can use Bernds webjar-ee post as a base and try to add plugin dependencies to the pom. If you do so, please share your experiences on the github issue, it will help to publish a centralized solution.

@jangalinski thanks so much for the quick answer and some guidance, I’ll follow your advice and update the issue with my findings

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(Nearly two years later) an update: enhancing the webapp has indeed been simplified. After some initial doubt based on old info in search results, I was able to both override JS configurations and extend with JS+Java+SQL plugins in an embedded app which uses camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp 3.0.0 and the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin based on this example:

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