[Connector] Configuring properties

With camunda community, is it possible de configure some value in properties file, for exemple “to” filed in Connector implementation.

Take a look at this for usage examples:

You can using expressions, scripts, Input Mappings, and Local Variables to pass data in connector fields.

Can also take a look at something like Replacing Http-Connector with Jsoup usage to provide a more code based fluent api apporach. You dont need to use jsoup; it is just a example of the usage.

Thanks this should helps me

I would manage properties using .yml or .properties file not a json (Spring boot ressource)

@slb sure that works. “All the same” :slight_smile: . You should be able to create some Beans/Singletons with helper methods to get your properties from the yml. So you can do ${myBean.getMyProp()} inside of a text field in the connector. Should save you some lines of code.