Code Coverage

Hi ,
I am new in camunda and i have to write the junit test .can you please help me 2 write the junit test .
please find my code below code and attached bpmn file and help me to complete the junit .

public class InMemoryH2Test {

public static ProcessEngineRule rule = TestCoverageProcessEngineRuleBuilder.create().build();

private static final String PROCESS_DEFINITION_KEY = “cancelApplication”;

// private static final String PROCESS_DEFINITION_KEY1 = “cancelApplicationNets@release@”;

// @Rule
//public TestCoverageProcessEngineRule rule1 = TestCoverageProcessEngineRuleBuilder.create().withDetailedCoverageLogging().build();
public ProcessEngineRule processEngineRule = new ProcessEngineRule();

static {
LogFactory.useSlf4jLogging(); // MyBatis

public void setup() {


  • Just tests if the process definition is deployable.
    @Deployment(resources = “cancelApplication.bpmn”)
    public void testParsingAndDeployment() {
    // nothing is done here, as we just want to check for exceptions during deployment

@Deployment(resources = “cancelApplication.bpmn”)
public void testHappyPath() {

  //ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine().getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(PROCESS_DEFINITION_KEY);
  Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    variables.put("sendResponse", true);
    System.out.print("Add variable " + variables );
  ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(PROCESS_DEFINITION_KEY,variables);

cancelApplication.bpmn (13.1 KB)

I’d suggest you take a look at how to use bpm asserts lib from this video by @tmetzke
The example he uses in the video can be found here: