Cockpit for embedded engine - historyLevel mismatch

I’m doing a proof-of-concept to evaluate if Camunda can be used in our project. We’re working in a microservice environment, and we’d like to integrate Camunda in some of our service containers. So far things are looking good, we have an embedded Camunda engine running in a service container and we can start and execute process instances.

The engine is using an Oracle DB for persistencce, and now I’d like to use the cockpit to manage the running process instances. I’ve downloaded the Camunda Tomcat distribution and set that up on my local machine. The cockpit works with the demo instance out of the box. I then changed the server.xml-config to point to the Oracle DB used by our embedded engine. When I try to start Tomcat, I get the following message in catalina.out:

13-Oct-2017 14:37:30.382 SEVERE [main] org.camunda.commons.logging.BaseLogger.logError ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: historyLevel mismatch: configuration says HistoryLevelFull(name=full, id=3) and database says HistoryLevelAudit(name=audit, id=2)
org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: historyLevel mismatch: configuration says HistoryLevelFull(name=full, id=3) and database says HistoryLevelAudit(name=audit, id=2)
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild.checkHistoryLevel(
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild.execute(
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild.execute(

Is there any way I can change the historyLevel either in the embedded engine or the Cockpit configuration?

Best regards


Ooops, found the configuration in bpm-platform.xml. Up and running now. Sorry for the noise.



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