Can't use expression with Eclusive gateway

i want to approve form if “Approved” chechbox is clicked on certan form , othervise it could be defective, to control this i use delegate class(with service) here is my code:
public class GetApproved implements JavaDelegate{
Object jsonObject1=new JSONObject();
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
jsonObject1 =getApproved(execution.getVariable(“selectedDocuments”).toString());
execution.setVariable(“selectedDocuments”, jsonObject1);

	 public Boolean getApproved(String jsonObject12) throws ParseException {
		   JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
			String jsonObject =  (String) jsonParser.parse("approved");
		    Boolean approved=Boolean.valueOf(jsonObject);
		return approved;


and than i use this expression for Excluive gateWay flow:
But when i try to start task camunda can’t recognize approved and throws errors, what i am missing here?

Hi Sally,

it seems that there is something wrong in the method getApproved(...). It tries to parse the string “approved” as JSON object which will fail.

Best regards,