Can some one explain the meaning of the columns of the ACT_HI_VARINST table?

I am using the mybatis to do custom query.
For to do that I need to figer out the columns of the table.

Some column is easy to get the meaning but some is not.
Here is the table struct

Can some one tell me the meaning of below columns ?

I know the VAR_TYPE is meaning the variable data type.
The column LONG_ and DOUBLE_ and TEXT_ and TEXT2_ are the columns of save value.

But I need to know how many value the VAR_TYPE_ have ?
And I also need to know each value of the VAR_TYPE_ was mapping to which column ?

Thank you all.
My english is so bad. Forgive me please.

I was think the explan or usecase is easy to find in source code of camunda.
I also was find a lot but did not get any explan or usecase.

Before we get into the table meanings, are you sure you need to write a custom query?

You cannot use the Native Query methods in each of the engine’s services to get the data?