Can not open process.bpmn

I create a Maven Project on Eclipse and can not open process.bpmn in src/main.resources

how can I model BPMN processes inside Eclipse?

@ngtram bpmn editor in eclipse is deprecated by camunda. To view or modify the bpmn try online tool or download the camunda modeler(desktop application) from

I have downloaded Camunda Modeler but can not open it in Eclipse.
When I double click on process.bpmn, the result is as in the figure. Please help me.

Eclipse will not support for editing bpmn. Always use camunda modeller only

I follow the tutorial as in the video but the modeler editor is not open.

@ngtram why are you always trying in eclipse. That’s not camunda modeller. It’s eclipse plugin. It was deprecated, means no support and doesn’t work fine in eclipse.

Download and use this:

The thing is that I try to create anJava project with BPMN files and deploy it to Camunda. I mean I follow the video Camunda for Java Developers but I stuck in the step I discussed above.

@ngtram create bpmn file using camunda modeler and then copy it to resources folder of your project

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thank you so much.

It worked,thank you