Camunda Run: Groovy Engine missing


I often use rapid prototyping especially in my private projects and therefore use script tasks with groovy.

Actually just trying to improve my rapid prototyping speed a bit with Camunda Run v7.13.0-alpha2.

But when trying to call groovy there seems no support built-in:

The process could not be started. : Cannot instantiate process definition dicegame:1:94e5a5c2-8b64-11ea-891c-5ce0c55f3c5f: Can't find scripting engine for 'groovy': scriptEngine is null

Supposed it is not intended to include groovy in Camunda Run at this time I would

  • suggest Camunda to consider my rapid prototyping idea :slightly_smiling_face: and add it or deliver Camunda Run plugins for extensions like groovy that are available in the full distro or
  • would like to add it manually - can anyone give me help how to add it if technical possible? or
  • would be the only way to go to the full distribution based on tomcat, etc.?

Thanks for any help !
Best regards,


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I ran into the same issue, I often use groovy for rapid prototypes…As a quick workaround, I flipped to javascript as Nashorn is included in the JVM…

I suspect if you copy the groovy jars into the right location you can get groovy scripts again, but I havent pursued this yet…



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I donwloaded the groovy jar files and copied them to the userlib folder. Groovy scripts now run just fine.



Great, Rob!
I verified it and it works.
I used the groovy jars from the standard camunda distro and copied them to the …/configuration/userlib dir as you mentioned.
Works like a charm!
That should cope my needs.

But I’m not sure if this is a proper way because which version of groovy should be appropriate?

Where exactly did you get the the jar files from?
Could you please you mention the exact Camunda repo here or is it from groovy repo?
Only to make it complete.

@Niall: Perhaps you are the right person to ask if the feature set of CamundaRun should include the groovy engine for rapid prototyping scenarios like your own presentations :grinning:

Best regards

Great question! I’ll look into this.

Hi Uwe,

I sourced my jars from I used the latest 3.x branch as this was likley to be compatible with the camunda engine…



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