Camunda modeler app not starting


I jump from camunda modeler 3.1.0 to 4.2.0 on LMDE (Linux mint debian edition) machine (Debian 10).
I donwload camunda modeler zip, unzip it.
First of all, I should change permission on chrome-sanbox file as follow :
sudo chmod +x ./camunda-modeler sudo chown root chrome-sandbox sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox

  1. Is it secure to execute chrome-sand box as root ?

But camunda-modeler application has still unknowed type : application/x-sharedlib instead of application/x-executable

  1. How can I start camunda by clic directly on the icon ?

Thank you for any help.

  1. Is it secure to execute chrome-sand box as root ?

There is a fair amount of debate depending who you ask or what you read online, but this is a fairly common pattern. It allows the application to run inside of a sandbox without escalated privileges, but to do so the sandbox itself needs to be owned by root with the SUID bit set.

  1. How can I start camunda by clic directly on the icon ?

As indicated in the docs, there is a helper script included in the modeler archive for setting up a desktop icon and setting modeler to be the default application for BPMN files. Running ./support/ will generate an icon in Applications->Development that can be run directly, or by opening a BPMN file.

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thank you for your help. It’s works well.