camunda login still showing after logging in keycloak

Hello, I’m having trouble setting up camunda with keycloak, currently I followed two guides:

I copied the three main classes , KeycloakIdentityProvider and WebAppSecurityConfig that are mainly involved in configuring this with the exception of this line:

“org.camunda.bpm.extension.keycloak.showcase.sso.KeycloakAuthenticationProvider”));` I changed the second param to point to my current project directories so it won’t error out.

Here is also my application.yml :

For the keycloak settings I mainly followed the first guide. Only difference I made was I change the valid redirect uri to this: http://localhost:8081/* instead of http://localhost:8081/camunda/* if I changed it to the second one it results to a invalid redirect uri error.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here, whenever I access the localhost:8081 (camunda) via browser it proceeds to keycloak’s login once I entered the correct credentials it directs me to camunda’s login.