Camunda Keycloak Community Extension 1.4.0 released

Hi Community folk,

we just released version 1.4.0 of the Keycloak Identity Provider Plugin:


Version 1.4.0 is a bug fix release.

Fixes in version 1.4.0:

  • Corrected rare problems with group queries of a single user in case the Keycloak Client name is similar to this username and config property useUsernameAsCamundaUserId=true

  • For the technically interested: the bug had its cause in the fact that, behind the scenes, Keycloak creates a service account corresponding to a client. Combined with a non exakt query behaviour of Keycloak, the extension’s method for translating a username into the underlying Keycloak ID had a gap and might have picked up the wrong ID. Which results in a behaviour, where a user seems to have no groups.

  • This gap has now been closed. Even if the error only occurs in very specific setups, an update is recommended.

For more infos on the plugin see



Hello, I have a question about your release naming policy. From the fact that you use three component release numbers, I conclude that you use semantic versioning. OTOH, the announcement states that “Version 1.4.0 is a bug fix release.”. Shouldn’t it be 1.3.1 then?

Or do you consider fixing bugs as feature (which is obviously true :-)?

Just out of curiousity…

Hi @fml2,

I’m not using semantic versioning. But you can be sure in case there will be any major breaking change the version number will change from 1.x.x. to 2.x.x.

Btw.: there have been bug fixes included in older releases as well, e.g. see Camunda Keycloak Community Extension 1.1.0 released. I always try to classify between fixes and new enhancements / features to give the user an orientation on what has happened.


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