CallActivity Connect to Collaboration

Hi Dear Camunders,

I would like to ask why it is not possible to connect Call Activity to a closed pool and how to design such pattern correctly

Thank you


What exactly are you trying to visualize?

Hi @Niall,
I am trying to visualize a process of sending message (sending a message is actually complex process which can be repeated also by other proceses thats why I decided for call activity) to external system.
I found that it would be possible to visualize such case if I change the call activity to a subprocess but it is still weird for me that it is not possible to visualize such flow (call acitivty --> pool)

Well - considering a Call Activity runs another process, it may cause confusion if message flows where able able to indicate a connection between something that happens in the called process from the parents perspective. So i don’t really think message flows should be used here.

I haven’t checked - but i’m pretty sure the BPMN 2.0 specification doesn’t allow for a message flow leaving a call activity. So it may just be that the modeler is following the spec.

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