BMPN 2.0 Tutorial Guide: Can't open Cockpit

Hello there,
I’m new here so I hope this question is in the correct category.

I was trying to complete the BMPN 2.0 tutorial guide but got stuck at ‘Verify the Deployment with Cockpit’ in the Deploy & Test step. I have followed the guide step by step and so far everything seemed to work.

In the next step, though, it says:
“Now use Cockpit to check if the process is successfully deployed. Go to http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/cockpit. Log in with demo / demo. Your process Loan Approval is visible on the dashboard.”

But for whatever reason, that page just won’t open for me? I have no clue what I have done wrong.

When I had to open http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html in the first step “Download & Installation”, the page displayed perfectly fine. But now even that page won’t show,

I’ve tried with various browsers but no success. Here is a screenshot of my project in Eclipse, maybe that’ll help you figure out the problem:

I hope you can help me. Thank you in advance.

Hi @luisebenkert,

Could you please answer the following questions.

  • Which camunda version are you using?
  • Which server are you using?
  • Could you build and deploy the loan-approval application on your server?
  • Is your server running?
  • Do you have some stacktrace in your server log?
