API Rest execute GET engine-rest/filter/{id}/list error

Hello friends,

I’m new to Camunda and am trying to integrate my app via rest.

However I’m having trouble accessing the method that lists the tasks of a filter.

I use a default instance, which I downloaded from the site, without changing anything.

When I try to call the

GET /engine-rest/filter/{id}/list

method it returns me an error:
“type”: “ProcessEngineException”,
“message”: “Unable to invoke method ‘taskAssignee’ on class ‘org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.TaskQueryImpl’”

can anybody help me? Thank you very much.
I apologize for Google’s English

I found the solution. And I was in front of me.

One of the filter criteria used is the $ {currentUser ()} method that can not be processed using a rest call without authentication.


Hi Daniel,

Hope you are doing good.
I am facing the same issue. I am authenticating my request through jwt token still getting the above error. Can you please guide on how you authenticated your request and does it hold the currentUser value in jwt token?

Thanks and regards,