Adding tabs next to Runtime


I understand that the History implementation and the History tab that appear next to the Runtime tab are part of the Enterprise edition.
However, i was wondering if it is still possible to add a new tab next to Runtime in the Community edition, to be used for custom plugins.

For example, is the plugin extension point “” of any use in the Community edition?


Hi Cristi,

Yes, it is possible to add a new pill next to existing “Runtime” pill. The plugin point on the process definition view is called “cockpit.processDefinition.view” and on the process instance view it is called “cockpit.processInstance.view”.

No, the plugin point “” is never used in the community edition. Since, it is part of the history view (which is provided in the enterprise edition) you cannot use this plugin point in the coummunity edition.

Does it help you?


Hi Roman,

Thank you, it was useful.

I will try to figure out how to display a new pill. Please correct me if i’m wrong, but it seems to be related to ViewPills.js in Git’s camunda-bpm-webapp/ui/cockpit/client/scripts/directives/viewPills.js

Do you know if there is any way to add the pill using some API/templates, but without making any modifications to the webapp?

Best regards,