Access automatic generated form values

Hi all,

I have defined a couple of fields (fmDays, fmAvailable) in an activity Task and they are correctly visualized in an automatic generated form, when the process is started. Is there a way to associate the input values with javascript variables so that they are made available to other activity steps (using only a very basic javascript scripting)?

I tried to define a couple of output parameters in my activity by writing:

return fmDays;

for example but I get the error:

Cannot submit task form fef8b9a8-5325-11ea-8489-4216b809aed5: Unable to evaluate script while executing activity ‘Task_PlaceOrder’ in the process definition with id ‘Process_ItemProcurement01:9:8bf4c150-5325-11ea-8489-4216b809aed5’::4:0 Invalid return statement return fmAvailable; ^ in at line number 4 at column number 0

Any hint?

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi Fabio,
Any fields defined in the ‘Form Fields’ section are added to the process once the form has been submitted. Here is an example using form fields at the start of the process:

Once you start a process and add values to the fields:

They are available in the process by their ids:

Hope this helps

Hi Joe,

thank you veeery much!! :grinning:


Forgot to mark it as a solution: sorry!
