404 whitelabe. Camunda cockpit(dashboard) is not loading,404 whitelabeljar error issue


I am using camunda community version. I have tried to install camunda in my existing spring boot application. Its installed but camunda cockpit is not working.

localhost:5000/rest/engine when I run this URL:
[{“name”:“default”}] response is coming.
But when I tried to run localhost:5000/camunda/app/

White lable error page is coming.
also at this url: localhost:5000/app/welcome/default/#!/login
I am attaching the below sceen captured, resources are not loaded.

Thank you

Please check my pom.xml file below for the above


Market Cloud Application

org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-parent 2.0.4.RELEASE 3.1.0 UTF-8 UTF-8 1.8 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-data-jpa org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-security org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web




<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.code.gson/gson -->




<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.code.gson/gson -->




<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.maps/google-maps-services -->














<!--for email-->

<!--        email from simpleEmail-->

org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin com.heroku.sdk heroku-maven-plugin 2.0.8

Can you also show the configuration in the yaml file.