403 Error when starting process

I am trying to start a process via Rest in the “example-web” in the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-example-web Application.

GET on URL http://localhost:8080/rest/engine/default/process-definition/key/sample/ works

{code} {“id”:“sample:1:4092e747-39af-11e9-8ea1-acde48001122”,“key”:“sample”,“category”:"",“description”:null,“name”:“sample”,“version”:1,“resource”:“bpmn/sample.bpmn”,“deploymentId”:“407bb5c5-39af-11e9-8ea1-acde48001122”,“diagram”:null,“suspended”:false,“tenantId”:null,“versionTag”:null,“historyTimeToLive”:null,“startableInTasklist”:true}

POST on the URL /rest/engine/default/process-definition/key/sample/start
results in a 403

I have no idea why and where to start … any help appreciated

Oky … not sure if this even is supposed to work, when starting from a controller all seems to be fine, so i am not sure if this is a problem at last


I create a ticket about this to improve the example.