The Sequence Flow is a activity?

I want to query the hisotry activity instance.

But the sequence flow seems like not a activity because cannot use the java api to query the history Sequence Flow activity instance.

HistoricActivityInstance signUpProjectRequestApproved = historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()

Actully I just want to know the sequence flow of I gived id is or not has been excuted.

On the before I think the sequence flow is a activity and I just use below code to query it.

HistoricActivityInstance signUpProjectRequestApproved = historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()

But for now I find sequence flow is not activity.

The question is how to know the sequnce flow is or not has been executed?

The answer is: you cannot. The engine does not write to the history which sequence flows it takes. In some cases, you can deduce the sequence flow from the sequence of activity instances but not always. I think @StephenOTT once hacked some support for sequence flow history.

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