Plugins in Cockpit 7.5-alpha

Hey guys.

I encounter problems with existing plugins which worked fine on 7.4.x but cause errors on 7.5 (alpha1 or alpha2).

E.g. this line here:

causes a JavaScript error:

ReferenceError: $ is not defined
    at printStartedInstances (plugin.js:167)
    at plugin.js:10
    at camunda-cockpit-ui.js:2
    at k (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:2)
    at k (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:2)
    at camunda-cockpit-ui.js:2
    at k.$eval (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:3)
    at k.$digest (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:3)
    at k.$apply (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:3)
    at i (camunda-cockpit-ui.js:2)

Any ideas?


Yep, very likely due to the change from requirejs to browserify, $ a.k.a. jQuery is not available on the window object.
If you replace $('#lineChart') by jQuery('#lineChart') it should work again.


Hi Vale.

Will this be mentioned in the release notes (and is it unavoidable)? I think this might break a lot of plugins.


PS: With this change - does it still work on < 7.5?

If you do the replacement from $ to jQuery, it should still work (I had a quick check in a previous distro).

I believe it should be mentionned we could easily fix that by adding something like that

window.$ = jQuery;
// or
window.$ = jQuery.noConflict();

but it should be discussed a bit further I think

We didn’t implicitly added the $ (jQuery) variable to the window object… it is, historically (good’ol times), the way jQuery bound itself…

maybe this would help you to make it 7.5 and 7.4 compatible?

        window.$ = jquery;
        alert("no jquery!");

or the other way around :slight_smile: always use jquery(...) and put window.jquery on it if not defined …

This should do the trick

Great – thanks!

Von: Valentin Vago []

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. März 2016 08:59

An: Bernd Rücker <>

Betreff: [Camunda BPM Forum] [Cockpit / Tasklist / Admin & Web] Plugins in Cockpit 7.5-alpha


March 24

This should do the trick


fix(missing-jQuery): expose jQuery and $ on the window

and load placeholders polyfill when jQuery is available

Related to CAM-5680

by zeropaper on 07:35AM - 24 Mar 16

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