JSON History Provider (usecase: ElasticSearch indexing)

For reference, this is the processing pipeline:


Another use case enhancement: Machine Learning :tada:

Using the xPack unmonitored Machine Learning features.

With this there are a bunch of interesting use cases:

  1. Per Activity durations (if you are running scripts/delegates in your activity listeners you can monitor their performance)
  2. Watch for specific text in variables such as HTTP responses that might have extra data that is worry-some or un-usual (using rare analysis function)
  3. Just generate User Task performance (as shown in the image below). But you can take the same principal and apply it to multiple activity use cases.
  4. Duration of Timers/Jobs. If Jobs start to execute at unusual times (maybe a timer is set to wait 1h but you have job fatigue)
  5. Jobs being executed by specific nodes and other nodes not being used (could indicate a issue)
  6. Number of jobs being processed
  7. Number of Instances being processed
  8. Automated processes that are taking longer than normal (maybe due to increasing durations of tasks)
  9. with some structuring of json variables we could also generate a lot of unique reporting data for business operations. :wink:
  10. you get the idea.

If you have other ideas, please share.

In the example below, the data was loaded into camunda using GitHub - camunda-consulting/camunda-util-demo-data-generator, with a 1 user task process. Was just a POC to get a feel for the capabilities and memory consumption of the elastic ML features.

What you are seeing in the graph is 30min time buckets of UserTasks that are at the Completed stage and graphing the durationInMills field. The analysis monitors for unusual Max values (Metric Functions | X-Pack for the Elastic Stack [6.2] | Elastic)

for those interested here are some other interesting use cases:

  1. unusual process or activity activations
  2. usual process variable values
  3. http response codes that are unusual
  4. size of variables
  5. Camunda Incident types
  6. use log analysis
  7. User Task Reassignment
  8. User Task Delegation
  9. Number of User Tasks generated for a process
  10. For Multi-Instance: Large number of task instances being generated
  11. Business Metric reporting: Location of Processes, keywords, location categorization, etc
  12. Process Pausing/Suspension
  13. SLA durations being very long
  14. Messages being received from external systems
  15. External Task usage, locks, extended locks, failed locks, etc
  16. etc.

You can run the ML on a real-time analysis for continual stream, and then setup alerts so that you get altered about anomalies: you could even set it up to generate a Process instance (Start Instance or new Message Start Event) to investigate the anomaly :wink:


Hi there,

Are the same configurations applied to non docker installations?

Thanks in advance.

It should not matter which installation you use. The implementation is a plugin that implements a additional history provider class, and that class outputs all of the various history events into a rolling JSON file. The fact it is in a docker container is not relevant to the overall plugin.

Hello @StephenOTT

I’m very curious about this capability. Is this a proprietary or freely available plugin?

Thanks for a very interesting post.

Hi Stephen,

really interesting - we are currently pursuing this with a similar start (bpmn.ai), but then go down the Kafka road and over to Spark and R, since we are more flexible there regarding joins with other data and ML in general. This is the second time we came up with similar ideas (vPAV). Spooky. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

1 Like

Using Kafka is basically the same purpose.
The reason we use the ELK stack was purely for compartmentalizations of systems and we were not building a product. Your bpmn.ai looks like a product thus makes sense you implement custom features that meet your strategy. For us it was about being able to use “off the shelf” tooling to provide the end result: basic reporting and ML capabilities.

Similar use case for: Prometheus Metrics: Business purposed process engine plugin

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Hi @eugene

The plugin we built for camunda is two parts:

  1. process engine plugin that implements a custom history handler
  2. Logstash pipeline configuration that processes the Json history logs into elastic.

Everything else in the tooling is open source and part of the elastic stack with the use of their xpack plugin

They were never made open source at the time. I will look into if they can be made oss.

In the mean time, If you have specific questions about the implementation please feel free to ask and happy to answer where I can

1 Like

Thanks so much @StephenOTT

I’ll be very eager play with the 2 plugins should you avail them as foss.

Thanks for all your support towards this really great project. :+1:

@eugene what data rae you looking to route into elastic? Creating a history provider is fairly trivial. The eventual complexities we saw were the various routing logic for the all the history event classes, as there was differences in logic and fields that needed to be accounted for + to deal with consolidated documents for proper query performance + event updates (Create, Update, Delete) + dealing with indexes for Variables do to variable type differences for History Variable classes, where the “Type” field might be a String with a value of any of the camunda variable types, and the “value” field would be a different data type for each variable type (string). In the Camunda DB they deal with this by having many columns, but obviously this does not translate over into Elastic, and thus data manipulations were needed.

We have found through use that many of the reporting use cases can be resolved with tooling such as Prometheus Metrics: Business purposed process engine plugin, which is much easier to use, and gives you a better Reporting UI (Grafana, and with grafana you can also directly query MySQL if you wanted (aka query the Camunda DB).

Thanks @StephenOTT

I’m eager to provide some sort of BI or even BAM capability to camunda without going the conventional ETL / data warehouse / BI tool route.

I’ll look at Prometheus. I’m not a developer (more of a power user) so for me choosing the easier to implement is certainly the way to go. Thanks for your advice.

Okay so then you dont want to use the Elastic setup. Take a look at the Prometheus plugin above, and then build out your metrics are you need them. It is very easy to setup the Prometheus stack with Grafana using the plugin and the instructions for the docker container.

You should be able to be up and running in just a few minutes.

Hi @StephenOTT - We are planning to go route the elastic route . We are using Spring events and they generate a lot of data and as you mentioned the co-relation seems to be tricky to identify the life cycle of an activity . For example i have a start shape and user task with an assignee thereare 10 events triggered , there are 4 events for historyActivityInstance etc . Can you please to share your findings in terms of how you mapped these in a single document and took care of subsequent updates .


@dineshsb You are created history providers that route camunda history events into Spring Events?

If so, then in your use case of 10 events, you are getting CRUD events, correct?

Hi @StephenOTT - Thanks for the reply . Yes we are getting CRUD events. Below are those events and for one activity instance “CheckUserrActions:2c7226eb-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5” there are 3 events . How do we combine these into a single document with this activityinstance .

2020-03-21 23:18:29.295 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: 2c71d8c7-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.295 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricProcessInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.295 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: start

2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: StartEvent_1:2c71ffd9-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: start

2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: null
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricVariableUpdateEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: create

2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: StartEvent_1:2c71ffd9-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.296 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: end

2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: CheckUserrActions:2c7226eb-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: start

2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: null
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricIdentityLinkLogEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: add-identity-link

2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: 2c7226ec-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricTaskInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: create

2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: CheckUserrActions:2c7226eb-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.297 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: update

2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: CheckUserrActions:2c7226eb-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: update

2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> received HistoryEvent: 2c7226ec-6b9c-11ea-a670-089734ac42e5
2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> instanceOf: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.history.event.HistoricTaskInstanceEventEntity
2020-03-21 23:18:29.298 INFO 17836 — [nio-8991-exec-1] o.c.s.restext.HistoryEventCollector : >>>>>>>> eventType: update

So the “trick” is you basically need to recreate the crud logic from the current db history provider and apply that equivalent logic to your elastic mappings and updates.

Hi Stephen,

Is your history provider plugin available on github?



Hi @StephenOTT

Near the beginning of this thread you mention the configuration properties for the plugin:

<property name="directory" value="."/>
<property name="maxEventsPerFile" value="1000"/>
<property name="logEventsToConsole" value="false"/>
<property name="nullSubstitute" value="-"/>

I’m working on a custom history plugin and it will need access to various config properties. However, I can’t find any documentation on how to access these properties from within the plugin.

Can you explain how to do this or point me to the documentation on how to access config properties within a custom history backend.

Thank you very much.

Nevermind, I have figured this out.

I now see that for each property, you create setter and getter functions based on the property name, within the plugin. I see that the setter functions will be invoked with the property values from the configuration file upon startup.