How to call REST method

I am trying to interact with Camunda through its REST interface, hence I would like to know if Camunda provide (official) REST client?

according to what I know so far, there is no official rest api client for camunda, or some rest UI on the web.
But there are some other “sources”, take a look at this post.

Hope it helps.

I came up with the following java code, but it does not seem to be right.
First of all, the documentation for task creation
does not tell me how to associate the newly created task to particular process. How do I create task for a give process?

public void createTask() {
    Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
    WebTarget webTarget ="engine-rest");
    String url = "task";
    TaskDto newTask = new TaskDto();

    String json = JSON(newTask).toString();

    Response response = webTarget.path(url).request().post(Entity.entity(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
    System.out.println("The status is " + response.getStatus());

I managed to have it working, but the question remains.
I guess I have to prepend process id to the webTarget path?

public static final String BASE_ADDRESS = “http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/”;

public void createTask() {
    Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
    WebTarget webTarget =;
    webTarget = webTarget.path("engine").path("default");
    String url = "task/create";
    TaskDto newTask = new TaskDto();

    String json = JSON(newTask).toString();

    Response response = webTarget.path(url).request().post(Entity.entity(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
    System.out.println("The status is " + response.getStatus());

We are currently building client api’s which are scheduled to be released with 7.9 end of May:

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