How can an Element Template set a script resource for an input parameter?

My current EE customer, would like an Element Template for the following task:

  <bpmn:serviceTask id="Task_0zvdq5j" name="Arbeitnehmer suchen" implementation="##WebService" camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.demo.AsynchronousSoapServiceTask">
        <camunda:inputParameter name="url"></camunda:inputParameter>
        <camunda:inputParameter name="payload">
          <camunda:script scriptFormat="freemarker" resource="cammunda_abrdv-request-template.ftl" />

Users should be able to enter a URL and a message template file. Everything else should be pre-defined and hidden.

How can a form field bind to inputParameter/script/@resource?

Hi Falko,

Looks like it is not yet possible to specify Script Type in the template.
I have raised an issue.

Defined properties in element templates can not be hidden, but can be set to "editable": false.


Thank you for the feedback and creating the issue!

According to @nikku hiding is possible.

Do not see signs of ‘hidden’ property to be supported in the code, nor in the tests and documentation.
Was not able to make it work, as well. Are you able to actually make it work? If yes, how should it be specified?

There is an open issue for hidden properties.

I didn’t try it myself.

Hidden properties are now supported via type: 'Hidden'.