About the length of the oracle table field

Hello, I want to modify the TEXT_ field type in the ACT_RU_VARIABLE and ACT_HI_VARINST tables.
I am now modifying it to CLOB and also modifying the mapping file of mybatis, but throwing an exception when I use it.

Result 0: insert into ACT_RU_AUTHORIZATION ( ID_, TYPE_, GROUP_ID_, USER_ID_, RESOURCE_TYPE_, RESOURCE_ID_, PERMS_, REV_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1 ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 1: insert into ACT_HI_OP_LOG ( ID_, DEPLOYMENT_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_DEF_KEY_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, CASE_DEF_ID_, CASE_INST_ID_, CASE_EXECUTION_ID_, TASK_ID_, JOB_ID_, JOB_DEF_ID_, BATCH_ID_, USER_ID_, TIMESTAMP_, OPERATION_ID_ , OPERATION_TYPE_, ENTITY_TYPE_, PROPERTY_, ORG_VALUE_, NEW_VALUE_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 2: insert into ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK ( ID_, TIMESTAMP_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, OPERATION_TYPE_, ASSIGNER_ID_, PROC_DEF_KEY_, TENANT_ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 3: update ACT_RU_TASK SET REV_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, CREATE_TIME_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, DELEGATION_ = ?, EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, CASE_EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, CASE_INST_ID_ = ?, CASE_DEF_ID_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, FOLLOW_UP_DATE_ = ?, SUSPENSION_STATE_ = ?, TENANT_ID_ = ? where ID_= ? and REV_ = ? Update counts: [-2]
Result 4: UPDATE ACT_HI_ACTINST SET EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, ACT_ID_ = ?, ACT_NAME_ = ?, ACT_TYPE_ = ?, PARENT_ACT_INST_ID_ = ? , ASSIGNEE_ = ? , TASK_ID_ = ? WHERE ID_ = ? Update counts: [-2]
Result 5: update ACT_HI_TASKINST set EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, FOLLOW_UP_DATE_ = ?, CASE_INST_ID_ = ? where ID_ = ? Update counts: [-2]

16:43:15.617 [qtp164052991-29] DEBUG org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16002 Exception while closing command context: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘UPDATE TaskEntity[620725ca-84e6-11e8-8477-30b49e73a8dc]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.
org.camunda.bpm.engine.OptimisticLockingException: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘UPDATE TaskEntity[620725ca-84e6-11e8-8477-30b49e73a8dc]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.

Use the oracle database.

The attachment is a modified jar

I don’t know where this is, I hope I can get it, or is there any other way to recommend it.
Thank you!

See Issue With Oracle Database Connectivity

thank you very much,Great, finally solved the problem!Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!